Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hurt and anger

I work in an environment where the 2 elements are inescapable. I see anger and hurt everytime i am at work. Managers (i don't blame them) under stress get pissed off  (who wouldn't?) because their staff don't take enough ownership with what they do ... etc.

Everyone gets pissed off. Everyone gets inconvenienced. Take a step back and breathe. That extra 2-3 seconds of pause and extra air can make a difference between blowing up and being aware that anger is present.

Watch it. Witness it. Know that the anger, the sensation of getting pissed off is an intensity. It is an emotion -  feeling. Consciously notice it everytime it arise. Don't let it rob your peace of mind. Don't let it spoil your mood for the moment. Don't believe your thoughts. Let it come and let it go. Don't cling on to the negativity.

Don't engage in a conversation with these negative thoughts. Give them no attention so they have nothing to feed on. Smile, laugh or chuckle if you can. Let it go. Your calmness and peace of mind is worth far more than blowing your top off.

I am not asking you to bench press the 100lb barbell. Try with lighter weights. Start with manageable task to tame the anger. Small, baby steps first and consciously be aware of what reaction is happening.

One of the most beautiful thing that happens when one lives moment to moment, not letting the past (habits) rule us is that when we are aware and conscious, we respond and not react. We respond appropriately and sometimes even creatively. How many times have we pulled things/ideas/solutions out of thin air only because we are centred and well rested?

Besides everytime i lose my temper, i show the whole world what an idiot i am. Actually, anger only hurts the initiator more than the receiver.

Try a little kindness and understanding. It goes a long way. And of course it works far better than yelling.